Why You Should Be Using Telegram as an Artist


Music Producer, Entrepeneur

Hey there! 🎶 Searching for a seamless method to deliver your beats right to your collaborators’ phones? Discover how Telegram’s folder feature streamlines this process, making it effortlessly smooth and efficient.

  1. Instant Beat Delivery with Telegram: Imagine the scenario – you’ve just finished polishing a killer beat and you’re eager to get it into the hands (or ears) of an artist or collaborator. Traditional methods like email can feel a bit sluggish and impersonal. Enter Telegram – it’s like sending your beat with the immediacy of a text message. You hit send, and bam! Your beat is right there on their phone, no delays, no fuss.
    Speeding Evan Peters GIF by 20th Century Studios
  2. Setting Up a ‘Beats’ Folder: Now, let’s talk organization. In the world of endless chats and contacts, your ‘Beats’ folder in Telegram is your personal music hub. Here, you group all your music-related contacts, chats, and channels. This means when you’re ready to send out a new beat, you’re not wasting time scrolling. Everything and everyone you need is right there in one neatly organized folder.
  3. The Convenience of Direct Phone Delivery: The real game-changer with Telegram is how it simplifies the delivery process. When you send a beat through Telegram, it’s not just another email landing in an overcrowded inbox. It’s a direct line to the recipient’s phone, making it more likely for your beat to be heard promptly. It’s personal, it’s immediate, and it ensures your music is front and center.
  4. How to Use Folders for Beat Sharing: Using folders on Telegram is straightforward. Simply create a folder, add your relevant music contacts and channels to it, and you’re good to go. Next time you’ve got a beat ready to share, it’s a simple process of selecting the right chat or channel from your ‘Beats’ folder and hitting send. This method saves time, keeps you organized, and helps maintain focus on your creative output.

A Personal Touch: As an artist or producer, adding a personal touch to your interactions can make a big difference. When I send beats through Telegram, it feels more intimate and engaging, like sharing a part of my creative process with someone special. This personal connection can be a powerful tool in building lasting collaborative relationships.

Murder House Flip GIF by The Roku Channel

P.S. – Before you go, I’ve got a little something extra for you. If you’re digging the idea of streamlined beat sharing, why not check out my own Telegram channel? It’s where I post all my latest beats, and trust me, you don’t want to miss out on these.
Joining is super easy – just click here to join  . It’s a great space for you to explore my beats and maybe find that perfect sound you’ve been searching for. Plus, it’s an awesome way to stay connected and see firsthand how I put all these Telegram tricks into action. So, drop in, say hi, and let’s make some music magic happen together. See you there!



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